For some it was the first time, for others a re-visit after 29! years. But 29SQN’s “standard tramp” from the 1990s has been introduced to a whole new generation.
Tramps can be enjoyed in a number of ways. The planning, the recce, the tramp itself, and – of course – the afterglow through posts like these.
The weather was sub-optimal, but that didn’t stop these people: How else are you going to have a mud-slide into a creek unless you have some mud?
The planning team promises a slightly less technical tramp in a few months – one with less rain and more sun. Well, we can only promise the former.
Thanks go to SQNLDR Peacock for his support, and the parents that helped with the shuttling at the trail head. We can’t do these things without you. Thank you for supporting No. 29 (Rotorua) Squadron ATC!