Okataina Outdoor Education Camp is a 91-bed facility on Lake Okataina Road. 29 (Rotorua) Squadron is usually hosted there by 35 (Whakatane) Squadron for their annual “Hell & Back” camp. This page is primarily for parents and caregivers to know where to go and what to expect.
Approximate driving times:
Drive to State Highway 30 and make your way to the Lake Okataina turnoff.
Once you have turned onto Lake Okataina Road, the turnoff to the Camp is 3.8 km (5 minutes) along a narrow and windy road.
Click here to start Google Maps and navigate from your location.
The turnoff into the camp normally isn’t well sign-posted but during Camps it is usually made obvious.
Turn right into the camp onto a gravel road. 300 m later you have arrived.
Cellphone coverage at the camp is extremely patchy. If you phone a mobile number of anyone you know is at camp, you should not expect to get through.
In genuine emergencies please phone the Centre Caretaker on (07) 362 7092.