At the end of a year, the squadron parades in front of parents, dignitaries, and NZCF and NZDF officers to celebrate the achievements of the year.
New Cadets are inducted, promotions are announced, and various trophies and certificates acknowledging significant achievements are presented.

The evening also includes short speeches from invited guests. For the first time, 29 SQN’s most senior cadet, SGT Swinburne was invited to reflect on the unit and her own progress for 2020.

Congratulation go to LAC Joy and CPL Belt on their promotions. Both cadets had superb attendance records in spite of a difficult year. They also embraced every opportunity the New Zealand Cadet Forces provides. Their progress was rightfully rewarded.

The Unit now goes into recess until school returns in February 2021 with the exception of Supplementary Staff and officers who will meet for strategic planning and other preparation to ensure everything is ready for – what everyone hopes will be – a normal 2021 program.
29 SQN would like to thank the parents, caregivers, supporters, supplementary staff, officers, and our fans in the wider community for their support this year.
Next year beckons with a number of Sup Staff preparing to commission, take on different roles, and to support our cadets – old and new – into a fun and rewarding journey.
2021 will be extra special as we will also celebrate our 80th birthday!