They say, “you get out what you put in”, and 29 Squadron have a significant commitment to Rotorua’s community. The most visible parts are around Anzac Day when we perform a front-line role at the dawn and civic parades. But you can also find us helping Rotorua Council, selling poppies for the RSA, and cleaning graves of servicemen and women.
But last week the community said “Thank you!” in the form of a large donated TV screen. A call went out to equip a training room and Fiona G. of Nongotaha answered the call.
Thank you Fiona! Very generous.
Some intense fundraising will be happening to fund other parts of our training program. You’ll see us at the Tough Guy & Gal Challenge at Lakes Ranch and the Rotorua Marathon finish line as marshals, and in a few weeks our own community Garage Sale will be held at the Cadet Unit.