Kia ora 29 Squadron whanau!
As per NZCF Covid-19 Bulletin 38 released on 08 Sep 21, and a meeting of Staff, our squadron is Parading at our ATC HQ at 23 Geddes Rd from 15 SEP 21.
If any Cadet or their whanau is not comfortable returning to Parading under Level 2, they do not have to. Please fill in a Leave form though.
Anyone who has any kind of cold or flu symptoms, even though it may not be Covid-19, MUST NOT PARADE. Please fill in a Leave form.
Parading at Level 2 does come with a number of conditions.
What 29 Squadron Staff will do:
- Wear our mandatory masks (Mandatory for anyone 18+, including adult Cadets)
- Use hand sanitiser when entering and leaving rooms; entering and leaving ATC HQ.
- Do not crowd staff rooms
- Clean and disinfect the toilets, wash basin, and the floor before Parade, in the middle of Parade, and at the end of Parade
- Guide all Cadets to ensure maximum physical distancing – in excess of the minimums – where possible
- Schedule lessons that make distancing practical
- Wipe down surfaces touched during the lesson, and any common surfaces (door handles, light switches) before leaving the room.
What Cadets need to do:
- Keep 2m from anyone else.
- Entry to and exit from the building is through one door only (the main door)
- Use the provided hand sanitiser by that door before touching anything else inside the building
- All personnel need to scan the QR code on the door (available both sides). If unable, fill in the paper register at the door
- You will be directed to sit in a specific spot inside the hall, which will be 2m apart from others.
- While moving through the building, try to keep 2m from everyone else.
- In classrooms, take a seat and do not move that seat. It is put there to keep the minimum distance.
- If you are 17 or younger, the wearing of a face mask is not mandatory. The NZCF strongly encourages everyone to wear a face mask.
- You will stay in your assigned lecture room for the night. Instructors will move between rooms instead.
- Bring your own mug if you would like to have a drink during break time. Take that mug back home with you at the end of the night.
- With the provided wipes and cleaning supplies, clean and wipe down all surfaces you sat at and/or touched before leaving for the night
We have been through this before and we all appreciated that Parading at Level 2 is better than being in Lockdown.
The exciting news is that the NZCF is also allowing Activities to resume under Level 2. These Activities do need to be (re)approved however. 29 SQN has requested an activity for 26 SEP 21 to be approved – more information will be available soon.
Thank you all for your cooperation. We will be back at Level 1 before we know it.
Kia ora.