Today is International Women’s Day for 2021, and it is a good opportunity to celebrate No. 29 (Rotorua) Squadron Air Training Corps and the New Zealand Cadet Force in general.
The NZCF has welcomed female cadets as fully participating members for the last 50 years… that’s well before most other boys- or men-only organisations followed suit.
When it comes to 29 Squadron, it is currently led by two female cadets: Flight Sergeant McKenzie Swinburne and Sergeant Emily Coveney.
Our Adjutants are Ms Nat Swinburne and Miss Precious Morgan, and the USC Chairperson is Mrs Sharon Rehu.
They all report to our Unit Commander, Flying Officer Poihaere Knight.
FGOFF Knight in turn reports to our Area Support Officer, Squadron Leader Heidi Paignton.
At 29 Squadron, we don’t have to pay lip-service to placing and promoting capable women in positions of responsibility.
As a youth leadership training organisation, when it comes to supporting capable women in responsible roles, We walk the talk.