The weekend before the first Parade Night of 2021 is a good time to have a stock-take and a good clean and maintenance session – otherwise called a Working Bee.
29 Squadron is thankful to its families for their support, and the parents, supporters, and cadets for the hard work.
Hundreds of kilos of scrap metal was taken to Macaulay Metals (good for the USC bank account), and a large 6 meter skip was filled to the brim.
At the same time, graffiti was dealt to, the shower and toilets painted, rooms cleared out, spent light bulbs replaced, old computer gear retired, the exterior cleaned and its front skirt painted, the gutter cleaned, all the weeds in the driveway removed, Stores emptied – then sorted – then put back logically… and that’s just part of what was achieved.
Cadets were also grateful for the lunch put on by the USC. Sated and re-energised, they returned to push on for the rest of the afternoon.
The progress is clearly visible, and when the full Squadron meets this Wednesday, they’ll be able to get right to work.