It’s time to catch up with some of the formal successes Cadets and Staff have accumulated this year:
CDT Dhillon to LAC Dhillon
CDT Knight to LAC Knight
LAC Deibert to CPL Deibert
LAC Morley to CPL Morley
SGT Belt to F/S Belt
CDT van den Eng to LAC van den Eng
The following people have attended and passed their courses
Junior NCO – CPL Deibert
Junior NCO – CPL Morley
Senior NCO – F/S Belt
Shooting Coaches – FLTLT Joseph, PLTOFF Belt
Officer Field craft – PLTOFF Belt
Command Course – PLTOFF Belt
RCO Cource – PLTOFF Belt
Junior NCO – LAC van den Eng
Courses staffed:
Junior NCO – PLTOFF Belt
Junior NCO – FLTLT Knight
IT & TM – FLTLT Knight
No. 29 (Rotorua) Squadron ATC congratulates all of these fine people for their commitment, courage, and comradeship.